Friday, May 11, 2018

Breitbart Has Sold Out



Ever since Andrew Breitbart passed away, Breitbart has drifted away from the principles of freedom, liberty, and exposing Big Government. Instead, Breitbart, under the leadership of Rebekah Mercer, has become an advocate of Big Government, more infringements, and perverting Conservatism.

Big Government

Breitbart has attacked Conservatives for believing in the Constitution and refusing to use unconstitutional powers to go after private companies. Meanwhile, you won't find an article about them attacking Trump for not leading a boycott of Twitter and Facebook that would surely enact free market change (that they believe has failed). Trump, himself, has been issued a warning and has even been a victim of Twitter's censorship and, yet, he did not even bother to raise hell about the issue.

If Trump were to announce a boycott by closing his accounts, it would cost Facebook and Twitter millions of dollars. This would be compounded by his supporters and Conservatives following suit. At this point, Twitter and Facebook would be forced to reassess their policies and, once changed, Trump could return, if he chooses. The power of the boycott works and has had huge success in getting private companies to change their policies

Their "Award-Winning Second Amendment Reporter", AWR Hawkins, has a different interpretation of the second amendment that reads differently from "The Right of The People To Keep And Bear Arms Shall Not Be Infringed". Breitbart is gas-lighting its readers into accepting gun-control.

Anti-Free Speech

Breitbart also claims to be for free speech, or, at least, they write a lot about censorship, but there's a few problems with their stance on free speech:
  1. They have a habit of hiding anti-Trump articles from their front page after the negative comments accumulate 
  2. Their moderators are known to remove any anti-Trump comments. 
Their supporters will tell you that Disqus handles moderation, but this is patently false, as Disqus twice states that each site is responsible for its own moderation:

When a user goes to "Flag as inappropriate", there's a message at the bottom that reads:
Before flagging, please keep in mind that Disqus does not moderate communities. Your username will be shown to the moderator, so you should only flag this comment for one of the reasons listed above.
And in the Disqus website, the following is stated:
As Disqus doesn't provide site moderation, nor do we know the ins and outs of each community, only the Site Moderator for a given site can provide reasons for moderation actions within that community.

Site Moderators are the decision makers for the following:

Deleting comments, approving Pending comments, approving comments marked as Spam

Running Cover For Trump

In this article, Breitbart ran cover for Trump (and the NRA) after Trump's infamous "Take the guns first, due process second" comments, saying that Extreme Risk Protection Orders (ERPOs) are perfectly Constitutional and that their readers should learn to embrace it.

Here's Breitbart running cover for Trump again by stating that Trump is against amnesty.
Trump has also long opposed amnesty for illegal aliens, while DeWine supported amnesty multiple times in Congress.
Apparently, 3 months is considered a long time for Breitbart writers considering Trump spent 6 months crying for DACA amnesty and even gave his support for general amnesty at a televised meeting.

Again, Breitbart lied about Trump's position on amnesty by claiming that Paul Ryan "split with Trump" on opposing amnesty

There was also an article from The Daily Caller talking about a 200% increase in border crossings and border crossings being back to Obama-era levels. Breitbart chose not to run this story despite immigration being an important issue to their readers and Trump supporters. Clearly, this would've looked bad on Trump and struck down the myth that he's tough on border security.

Here's another one, where they blame DHS Sec. Kirstjen Nielsen (who Trump hired):
The decision to bring more low-skilled foreign workers to the U.S. undermines President Trump’s “Buy American, Hire American” executive order. This is now the second consecutive year that DHS has caved to the big business lobby and allowed 15,000 foreign workers to take U.S. jobs.
However, the truth of the matter is, it was Trump's decision, as they reported not even one month ago.

Dumbing Down

Breitbart is the #1 news site for Conservatives, but one has to wonder if they're fit to lead the cause for Conservatism. For example, ever since Trump became President, they've started a a series of articles titled, Fashion Notes, that talks about the latest dress Melania is wearing. This is the kind of "news" we mock liberals for and talk about when we discuss America being so dumbed down, and yet, this has become acceptable news coverage from the #1 news site for Conservatives.

Alternatives To Breitbart

While Breitbart still does some good reporting once in a while, we recommend diversifying your news sources:
  • The Daily Caller is a great alternative to Breitbart and isn't as afraid to report on issues that Trump supporters care about, but make Trump look bad.
  • The New American reports on issues that other news outlets aren't reporting on while offering a Constitutional perspective on the issue.
  • The Free Thought Project covers a lot of violations of the Constitution and Police State issues that very few sites will cover.

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