Wednesday, May 2, 2018

The NRA Is A Gun Control Organization


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After the historic 2016 election, where Republicans took control of both chambers of Congress and the Presidency on a relatively strong Conservative platform, it appeared that years of lawlessness that defined Obama's two terms would be reigned in and undone, along with instituting other popular reforms, such as strong border security, tightening our immigration policy, expanding our right to keep and bear arms, and getting the government out of healthcare.

Instead of getting what the people voted for, we got a lot more of the same that we've grown accustomed to in the past decades. The Republicans, supported by Trump, introduced an Obamacare "repeal" that was ultimately just another Obamacare, reneged on amnesty while trying to sell us a bill of goods on immigration reform, and passed gun control along with increased spying on Americans.


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